
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Dear baby Jonathan,
goodness mommy has so much to tell you!!
we went last week for another ultrasound! you should only be about 2-2.5 lbs instead your 3lbs 11 oz as of then! so they are only going to make mommy go another 6 weeks at least because of how big you are!!
which mean i get to see your cute chubby cheeks even sooner!
Our new ultrasound pictures are AMAZING!!! We can see how cute you are. your chubby cheeks and button nose. you look so much liek your daddy!!!
Mommy is getting so big in her belly she cant fit in her pants almost now! I've split the seam in them twice now and had to sew them up! eeeeek!!
We had Easter last weekend and the easter Bunny brought you a little frog that ribbits when you hold it in your hand!! its so cute!! Mommy has so much stuff for you now! oh my goodness!! The hallway is packed ful of clothes and so is sissys room now!
We are all getting super excited to meet you!!!! Mommy will be 30 weeks on thursday! so it may only be 4 weeks from then that we get to see you!!
well sweetie your sister needs me so i have to cut this short!! But we love you!!!!
Keep growing like you should be!!


Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear Jonathan!!!
Hi darling baby!!! you just dont hold still for anything lately do you? Its so amazing to watch my tummy jump around and feel you moving like crazy!!! Sissy loves to sing to you and talk to you now!!! we only have 94 days left to go little one before we get to finally meet you!! we are all so excited!!!
Mommy and daddy both had been sick and im so sorry if my coughing has bothered you any!!! We have discovered that you LOVE music!! anytime we play music you start moving like crazy!! we call it baby dancing!! dorky i know but its so funny to feel you move when we play music!!
Mommys tummy is getting so big! i dont know how much more i can stretch!!!!Im getting frigtened to see what im gonna look like! Dr mak is assuming your gonna be around 12 lbs!!!!!
here is this weeks info about your growth

This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. he's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.

alrighty little man!! your brother is calling so i must go!! I love you!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010
good morning baby Jonathan!!

we have had an exciting past few days here!!
daddy took us to the mountains last weekend! Let me tell you we had a blast! We went to the aquarium and went shopping! Oh my daddy bought you and sissy a ton of clothes!! Mommy picked out the CUTEST penguin and dino outfits for you! i cant wait to put you in them!!!
Sissy and bubby LOVED the aquarium! You didn't seem to nutty about all the walking mommy was doing tho!

But you are getting so big in Mommy's tummy! peoples eyes get SOO big when mommy tells them i still have 3 months left to go!!! The Dr said that he expects you to be about 12 lbs when your born! goodness!
Seems you LOVE music! which i find awesome seeing as we listen to alot of music in this house! but no matter what I'm doing if the music is loud enough that you can here it you start kicking up a storm!
what were you doing in there last night at midnight anyway? don't you know Mommy's bladder really isn't a personal punching bag!! silly boy!
Mommy got an embroidery machine the other day! i finally broke it out of the box last night and used it! I cant wait to put your name on EVERYTHING!
so are you ready for a little info about what your doing int here???

How your baby's growing

Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.
another interesting fact mommy learned is you can hear whats going on outside.. which is probably why you react to music now!!!

alrighty well mommy is off to clean for a bit!!!!
I love you!


Friday, February 19, 2010
Hi Baby Boy,
Guess what .. we are 23 weeks now!! mommy can actually see your rambuncious little kicks move her tummy now!!!.. you move constantly! Daddy felt you kicking really hard last night. right at mommys belly button!!! It's too cute to watch his eyes get so big when he feels you kick!.
As i was laying in the bathtub with your sister last night we were watching you kick around in there. Sissy washed mommys tummy and said "im washin jonathan he needs clean too" Too cute!! she keeps telling everyone ho ho (santa) is bringing you to her! Its so sweet!!
She thinks that when you kick we need to go to the doctor to have you "checked"...watch out little boy.. youve got a big sister that thinks your just too neat!
Mommys friend Jen came over the other night and was telling mommy that from now on, on wenesdays shes gonna come help mommy get the house in order before you come!! She's also one of the main people planning mommys baby shower. I am really excited about getting the house organized! but more excited about the baby shower!! Mommy didnt have a baby shower with bubby or sissy!! so its a first!! yay!!! ok well mommy has to start getting ready, ive got to take stephy to the dr in a bit!!!! but before i go heres your growth info for this week!!!!

How your baby's growing:

Turn on the radio and sway to the music. With her sense of movement well developed by now, your baby can feel you dance. And now that she's more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango), you may be able to see her squirm underneath your clothes. Blood vessels in her lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and the sounds that your baby's increasingly keen ears pick up are preparing her for entry into the outside world. Loud noises that become familiar now — such as your dog barking or the roar of the vacuum cleaner — probably won't faze her when she hears them outside the womb.

Alrighty, well you be good in there little one!!!
Love always,


Monday, February 15, 2010
Dear Jonathan,
Sorry i havent written you in a while! Things have been a little hetic here!! there has been so much snow!! Everyone is out of school today for presidents day! but even if it hadnt been a holiday they would have been out due to MORE SNOW!
Mommy went the other day and cut her hair!! no big deal you might think but it really is. i didnt cut my hair with your brother or sister when i was preg with them. why? i have no clue! but with you i decided i wanted something easier to take care of and cut it all off!! I think its cute!!!

so your getting so big in mommys tummy!!! Daddy felt you thumping at mommys belly button yesterday!!! he thought that was so cool!!!! Your little hands or feet are almost reaching my ribs! Mommy cant fit in most of her shirts anymore so im wearing daddys!!!

Look thats mommys tummy!!! !! its getting so big!!
yesterday was valentines day!! i know you dont know what that is but its a day for celebrating love. mainly it was made to sell candy and flowers and romantic cards! but its a sweet day usually! daddy bought mommy some girl scout cookies!! yum! Your brother and sister made mommy cards which i taped up on the wall!!! *hint dont forget mommy on special days*
Mommymade pink pancakes and pink cupcakes for everyone yesterday!!!!!! yummy!
then for dinner mommy made steaks with potatoes and broccli and cheese. you seemed to really like that!! mm and garlic bread! yummy!!! Look mommy took a pic of dinner last night!!!

well alright monkey ive got to go put your sister down for a nap before she gets too cranky!!!!!
I love you!!!
Love, mommy


Thursday, February 4, 2010
Dear Jonathan,

Your awfully quiet today!!
Well we went to the dr yesterday and your growing just fine ( slow down a little honey) your mesauring ahead of what u should be. which means your healthy!! yay!! your heart rate was 150bpm( beats per minute)
we also found out that all the pain in mommys pelvis is because some how sweetie we have fractured it. now dont blame your self. But this means mommy is going to be hurting alot with you as you continue to get bigger. but your worth it!! So its off my feet for us!
Yous now 133 days away from coming out of mommy!! arent you excited?? I know mommy and daddy and everybody is so excited to see you!Mommy is 21 weeks along today! so i thought i would post the info about you . so here goes:

How your baby's growing:

Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like he's practicing martial arts as his initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to his activity as you get to know him better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now.

i know that none of this probably interests you but...... it might later!
jamie and steph went back to school today after being out for 4 days! shew! i didnt realize how ready i was for them to go back. so its just me and sissy here!! its nice and quiet.Maybe mommy can get some work done now!!
Mommy, daddy and sissy went to subway for lunch!! yummy yummy . im pretty sure you liked it cuz you thumped around a bit while i was eating!!
Mommy is starting to have a hard time finding shirts to cover her baby belly!!!
alrighty well. sissy needs me so im off to play with her!!!!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dear Jonathan,

You were pretty active this morning!! But you settled down as the day went on. today is stephanies 16th birthday!! She got birthday money for her birthday and decided she wanted to take us all out to eat!! to mommys favorite place! YUMMY Garcias. mm mm good! Mommy stuffed herself silly. I'm guessing you werent too crazy about that because mommy was hurting all the way through walmart after dinner! Its ok though!! I went to the bathroom and saw a baby that is 4 months old and weigh 14 lbs. Kinna scared me since the drs are predicting you could be a 13 lb baby!! Thats really big!! I want you to be a big healthy baby but i dont know if i want you to be THAT big!! hee hee so..
This is the baby growth info for 20 weeks on babygaga.com
This week you're carrying about 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid baby-miracle-goodness! Their little delicates bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads are finishing up. Your little monkey now has teeth buds, although they’re hidden beneath the gum line. And finally! Their limbs have reached their relative proportions—no more alien baby! Their cute pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking. If you have a little boy, then their tiny testes are descending, though they have not yet passed the abdominal wall. What’s more, eyelashes and eyebrows are also visible. At this point, your little one really looks like a miniature baby—and we do mean miniature as your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their final birth weight. With half the pregnancy behind you, the most significant gains are yet to come!

Intresting huh?? I think so!! LOL
check out what you look like!!!
Mommy is really starting to get excited and i still have months to go!!!
I looked down while we were in walmart and realized that due to my baby belly i cant see my feet!!!!hee hee it was kind of funny!!!
alrighty my baby boy.. mommy is super tired and stephanie wants to watch a movie, so i guess im off for the night!


Sunday, January 31, 2010
Dear Jonathan,
ok so for some reason ive got the bloggers bug!! so i figure why not write to you? im not great at keeping up with things so.. ill do my best. maybe one day when you get older you will read this.. maybe not. but i thought it might be nice for me to tell you about us to start out with....
Like all babies you have a mommy and daddy but we will get to us later. YOU my child have a special family. You have 2 biological siblings james ( hes your brother) he's 8 and really excited your a boy. You also have valerie ( she's your big sis) she doesnt really know whats going on yet because she is 2 but she knows somehow there is a baby in mommys tummy and that your gonna come out. She is one of the few you will kick for. Then you have Steph, shes your aunt but more like a big sister. shes fixing to turn 16 on Tuesday Feb 2, 2010! shes pretty excited and thinks you are pretty cool!
So now that you know who they are let me tell you a little about them ok!
James: we call him jamie around here.Jamie is 8 right now but will turn 9 right before you are born if you come on your due date!! he is a goof ball and cant wait to teach you all sorts of cool stuff ( he is already trying to teach sissy how to count by 2's) He loves cars and dinosaurs and video games. He is seriously one of the silliest little boys i know!jamie is super smart but doesnt know it yet.. but he will one day!!Oh and hes nosey!! he loves to be in any conversation he can get into. hes a little hyper but he means well! Jamie has quite the attitude on him when he wants to but i think he gets that from me becuase your sister has the same attitude but in girl form! LOL!! ok onto your sister!
Valerie: wow shes going to make a great big sister!!She loves babies and thinks they are the cutest things ever!! She is a girl all the way! she loves dancing and dressing up and music and makeup. Sissy was born early and beyond where any dr said she would be right now. She is so smart for being 2 she amazes mommy sometimes!!Mommy cant do anything without sissy right there with me. she is 100% a mommys girl!I think she always will be! Valerie is 2 right now but will turn 3 right after you are born!! Oh and sissy is so silly and so sweet!! but yet so prissy and has an attitude to boot!!!
Stephanie: She is just as much a part of our family as she would be had i given birth to her too!!! how she came to be a part of our family is a long story ill tell you one day. but not right now! Steph turns 16 on Feb 2nd 2010 so she will be 16 when your born!Steph is an amazing girl!! and i promise you will love her just like you will james and valerie. Steph is super smart. she LOVES music and sings all the time. ( no matter how anoying it is).
Now about mommy and daddy. mommy and daddy met on june 17 2007 ( yes 3 years to the day that your due to arrive) pretty cool huh? i think so at least!! mommy thought daddy was just the sweetest man she had ever met!! i was fixing to have your sister when we met. Your sister was born on july 7,2007 a little less than a month since your daddy and i had met. but he fell in love with her just like i did! just like we will do with you! Daddy has been a awesome daddy to both james and valerie and i know he will do great with you! Mommy and Daddy got married on Dec 20,2008! someday when you get bigger ill show you pictures from our wedding!!! Your daddy looked so handsome! A little less than a year after we got married we found out you were on your way!! oh we were so excited!! When the Dr did your first ultrasound so we could see your tiny beating heart we all crowded into the room to see that special site!!!
On january 25, 2010 Mommy and daddy and sissy found out you are a boy!!!! You turned over tucked your little legs and showed us all just what you are!!! We are so excited!!!!
Each day you move more and more in mommys tummy! today and yesterday you have been extremely active yesterday it felt likeyou had the baby hiccups. Mommy laid on the couch to see if Jamie and Sissy could feel you but you owuld only move for sissy!! Steph got to feel you for a second later in the day!!!
About noon on last friday it started snowing really bad here ( more snow than we have had in a long time) so we are all stuck in the house! More than likely jamie and Steph wont have school tomorrow becuase the roads are still pretty bad to drive on. Everything outside is still white for the most part. Its really beautiful!!! the kids all went to play in the snow yesterday and to much to their suprise the snow was all covered with ice so our yard was a skating rink!! So they slipped and slid all over the place!! Just think in a few years you will be out there with them!! I cant wait!!!!
